February 28, 2004

When in Rome...
...it hails, rains, thunders and lightnings. Oh well, I'm still in the "Eternal City", and the weather does break every once in a while. It snowed in Venice during the carnival (I wasn't there, but it was on the news, and I talked with some people who were there.)
I visited Pisa a few days ago, and yes I saw the leaning tower. The city is really beautiful, I think I've said that about Italy a lot, lol! But it's true. Pisa is full of beautiful orange and red houses. Even in the rain and clouds it's amazing.
Rome, well what can I say? There is soooo much amazing history here. I've been totally overwhelmed, and am exhausted from walking around all day. Yesterday I went to Trevi Fountain (and threw in a coin, as tradition says you should if you want to return), then I wandered past a lot of well known sites (the Spanish steps, Coliseum, etc.)
Today I went into St. Peters, as well as several "smaller" churches (they were huge and incredibly ornately decorated). Then I wandered around, and went into the Coliseum.
The pizza here is really amazing (isn't everything here??). They have so many types, that I would never think would taste good, but they do. Then there's the gelati. MMmmm....., that's really good too. I haven't had too much pasta, since I eat a lot of it back in Lille. When I go to Napoli, I'll eat pasta though, because it's supposed to be really good there.
Anyway, I should go and make the most of my evening in Rome. Profitez-en!

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