October 08, 2003

A school visit, and an OMI visit...
I visited my other school on Monday and Tuesday. I signed my contract yesterday, and handed in all of the paperwork that I need to get paid, and to get my carte de sejour.
That means that I successfully opened up a bank account! I tried another bank, and the lady there was really helpful, and vachement sympa. I'll be getting a cheque book, and even an international Carte Bleue (very French, and more useful than just an ordinary credit card).
I passed my OMI appointment yesterday. All non European Union workers in France have to pass a medical exam. I had to give a urine sample, and get an Xray done of my lungs, as well as an eye sight check, blood pressure, height, weight, family medical history, etc. I passed, and I get to keep my Xray (I need to find some magnets so I can put it up on my fridge!)
I bought a cell phone today, which was quite expensive. But now I feel French playing with a cell phone all the time (it has games!)

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