I was excited to be back in Xi'an, although it was a bit strange too. There were a lot of foreigners at the tourist sites I went to (yes, I know I'm also a foreigner). I will admit that when there was a big tour group with a lot of tall, blonde haired Dutch I couldn't help but stare until I noticed a group of Chinese girls taking photos of them. Have I been here too long already?

I did a little more shopping before going to the South Gate (南门,城墙).

I went to the Forest of Steles (碑林), which was a bit disappointing. There weren't too many English translations which made it difficult to understand most of the calligraphy. Later in the evening I headed up the Bell Tower (钟楼) to check out the city in the evening.

My train out of Xi'an left the next day at 21:15, so I had the whole rest of my last day to wander around. I checked out the Temple of the Eight Immortals (八仙庵), the largest Taoist temple in Xi'an.

I decided it was time to have my coffee -the first real coffee I'd have in about seven weeks. Seven weeks! That's a long time. I will say without hesitation that it was worth all 10kuai. The hard seat back to Baoding was a bit like hell frozen over -they crank the AC so that everyone freezes. You can't really sleep because there's not enough room and the whole train is packed (try going to the bathroom, haha!). The seats are full, and the aisles are packed full of people and all manner of luggage.
But I made it back OK, and I start back with teaching English tomorrow morning, bright and early.
All I can say is "WOW"!! You are so lucky to be able to see all of those awesome sites I only get to read about. Keep up the blog and photos.
I'm always amazed by the people that I meet when I travel. In Xi'an I met people who had travelled the Trans-Mongolian from St. Petersburg through Mongolia to China, then to SouthEast Asia (not to mention everywhere else they had been!).
I'm glad that you can live vicariously through my adventures though.
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