March 31, 2007

Happy birthday to me...
Today's my birthday, and I'm turning another year older. It's been a long week, in more ways than one, but at least the weekend is finally here and I can live it up a bit in my little town here in China.
More about the week's activities (including a home-cooked Mexican meal!) later.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Stephen! Was the mexican food for your bday? Hope you have a great celebratory weekend!

Anonymous said...

Wow, happy birthday!! Hope you were able to splurge.

Stephen said...

No, the Mexican food was for another friend's birthday, but it was still good!
No splurging in town, I did that last week in Beijing :)

Anonymous said...

Another year into the books or in your case into the blog. Congrats. I hope you saved enough real food and coffee from your Beijing trip to have a mini celebration and treat yourself!

Stephen said...

I did have some real coffee, the first real coffee I've made in Baoding! And I had some special chocolate that I've been saving.

Anonymous said...

you have the same birthday with my good friend.

just a note from stranger.

happy belated birthday.