March 18, 2007

Random Conversation...
Often when I walk around the track at school the students shout "Hello" at me from their dorm windows. But tonight after dinner as I was going around the track a girl shouted at me from her window:
"Hello handsome teacher!"


Anonymous said...

Get her phone number

Craze Malone

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't "happy Saint Patrick's Day"?

Stephen said...

It could've been "Happy St. Patrick's Day", except that she shouted it twice. And I didn't see who it was, because she ducked behind her window when I turned around.
It's funny because it's the first time they've shouted it at me in English. I've heard them say it to each other in Chinese a few times as I walk by "Ta hen shui".

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend seems to have dumped me, so I'm working out at the gym to try to get her back. Hello... you've got them yelling from the windows. Craze M.

Stephen said...

That's one good thing about being in China, is that everyone thinks you're handsome/beautiful! I'm not the only one who experiences this phenomena, it's most pale coloured foreigners/laowai who are told the same thing.

Ben said...

I get the "hello's" too here in Fujian. One time I was walking around downtown and a kid with spikey hair surrounded by three of his friends came up to me and said mockingly "suck my dick." His friends laughed and mimicked his words. I wasn't exactly sure how to respond.