May 23, 2005

Comment Cards...
As with most places, Parliament Hill has comment cards available for guests to fill out. Despite having only done 3 days of tours (and only 7 tours in those 3 days), I`ve had two guests fill out comment cards. They were both favourable. The first (a lady from Santa Barbara, California) wrote about how friendly everyone on The Hill is. The second was a girl from Germany who said how knowledgeable her guide (me) was, and how you`d have to pay 10Euro in Berlin for a similar tour of the Reichstag.

***So, feel free to comment on my blog (hint, hint). It`s not that hard to do. You just click on the comment link below a post, and type in your comment/reaction/rage/question, etc.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that you are the most knowledgeable guide at the parliament buildings! You are also funny, widely travelled, intellegent, and good looking. Now if we could only get you married off..

Anonymous said...

of course that sounds like a "dad" thing

Stephen said...

lol. do you really want me to get married at the age of 22?

Anonymous said...


I'm sure Karen is still obsessed with you...she's a Mennonite isn't she? :P

You want to be a comment whore? dude, dont' fall into that trap!!

Keep up the good work!

Stephen said...

I hope she didn`t just read that comment!
I told Ben today that his parents go through your till at Slave-On, and he said, "AAAHHHHHH!". Then he remembered that you emailed him about the SLBP.

Stephen said...

I checked my comment cards again today, and I`ve got 6 in total! Someone even thought that I was funny, lol. I think all of my jokes are corny. Oh well. Whatever makes you laugh!